New member
Ingame-name: Dessinateur
Banned by: XxEnderKittyXx
Agree with ban (Yes/No): Yes
Unban reason:Hi sir kitty i am really really sorry what i did to your server i will explain what happen i was in my house and my brother f leave in the faction and puting blocks to players his ign was Mindoverheart he was leaving in the faction and after that it lags with a tag so you ban us and i hope that you forgive us and we will promise that we follow the rules in trio server and i hope you forigve us thank you so much sir doornob for being a good admin and we know that / we reformed to follow the law/rules in trio server! TRIOS BETTER!!!!!!!!
Banned by: XxEnderKittyXx
Agree with ban (Yes/No): Yes
Unban reason:Hi sir kitty i am really really sorry what i did to your server i will explain what happen i was in my house and my brother f leave in the faction and puting blocks to players his ign was Mindoverheart he was leaving in the faction and after that it lags with a tag so you ban us and i hope that you forgive us and we will promise that we follow the rules in trio server and i hope you forigve us thank you so much sir doornob for being a good admin and we know that / we reformed to follow the law/rules in trio server! TRIOS BETTER!!!!!!!!