Would be cool shits


Active member
Light Explosive Carrier ''An small c4 that blows 2x2 (only 1 c4 blocks) and costs 2.5 stacks explo to make'' Adrenaline Injector ''Makes u lose 1 hp but gains speed 1 for 25 secs crafting would be 1 flask with water 10 cloth 3 aloe vera and 5 animal fat'' Aim Mod (Guns) ''Gives u more accurancy (0.5) putting this mod on an gun'' XM8 ''High fire rate gun with kinda low dmg and being an rifle with 30 bullets'' dmg : 7 fire rate : 1 range : 14'' Adamant Plate (Armor Enchant) ''Makes u invencible tostone tools can be crafted with 15 titaniums each part and only added to kevlar armor'' Extreme Winter Zone -Brings thermal suit (cloth suit) -Add new areas (Military Winter Zone) (An ice lake that u can mine some coal/sulfur/iron but spawns zombies with some armor and u can loot like 2 chests) (An radation zone like ''The Zone'' but it could be a big bunker more likely an dungeon) -Dungeon Called Lair Of The Yeti -Add an type of Jetski -Add an block called ''Fake block'' like for traps : When u right click it dissapear : so u could make spike traps or something -Add or try to add an possible ''mecha?'' -Would be cool to use granades why not add an granade launcher? Normal : 2 Shots 1x1 area explosion Uncommon : 3 shots 2x2 area explosion Rare : 3 shots 2x2 area explosion Legendary : 4 shots 3x4 area explosion -Add an ''Zarabatana'' to shot poison arrows (U could make them with aloe vera pupperfish and arrow) Zarabatana Normal : Adds poison 5 dmg : 5 Zarabatana Uncommon : Adds poison 5 secs dmg : 7 Zarabatana Rare : Adds poison 10 secs dmg : 8 Zarabatana Legendary : Adds slowness for 5 secs and poison 2 for 5 secs plus dmg : 8 -Make an gappling hook for faster movimentation Credits:Schwein


Active member
bro garappler would be like need to craft amm o shits
you literraly say this isnt spiderman minecraft in rust isnt minecraft too get sense