V2 And Trios

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New member
IGN: Doublingcoinn
Banned BY : Yousof7L
Agree with Ban : Yes On Both
Unban reason: I really like this server and I dont wanna spend money on unban for v2 I just really wanna play again so I can buy tit+ on this account it already has titanium so I was thinking when I get this unbanned I tit+ but back to the point. I deserve me a second chance I didn't realize what I was doing at the time on v2 I didn't mean to block Igor up with my barb wire I wasnt thinking about the time im really sorry I think I should get second chance . Trios- I was under the influence of zolonka and people can vouch for me that zolonka is a bad dude and a bad influence he uses cheats/macros I didn't know it was him at the time he was playing on the account Kaeya_ or something under the lines of that. And he made an alt discord and I was speaking to him and he said go cancel that nakeds tp ( while we was tagged ) . Me again not thinking anything of it and not wanting to do it and not knowing the punishment for it I did it. I didn't know I was gonna get ban or that was a rule to cancel a tp while tagged but now I do . I don't think ill get banned again on trios if you give me a second chance please yousof or bob7l just unban me on v2 or trios im begging thank you for this opportunity and bye.
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