Ingame-name: AyawMoKahadluk
Banned by:XxEnder_KittyxX
Agree with ban (Yes/No):yes
Unban reason: i know that it was a bad idea using hacks on trio's. I have removed the hacks from my pc and i will not use it again.
I have noticed that gaming is boring without trio's and i wish i am could play it again as soon as possible
Sorry for my mistakes . I will be a beter person from now on forward.
Banned by:XxEnder_KittyxX
Agree with ban (Yes/No):yes
Unban reason: i know that it was a bad idea using hacks on trio's. I have removed the hacks from my pc and i will not use it again.
I have noticed that gaming is boring without trio's and i wish i am could play it again as soon as possible
Sorry for my mistakes . I will be a beter person from now on forward.