unban v2


New member
Ingame-name: xEndless
Banned by: YoussofHD
Agree with ban (Yes/No): Yes
Unban reason: Hi, This might be the last appeal i will create because the last appeal i posted was like a year ago and my acc did not get unbanned. But anyways, since i want to play v2 again i will make an appeal again so here's my side.

It's banned for like 2 or 3years from now and the reason why it's banned is because my account got hacked and the person who hack it starts selling items for money. And the time i found out that my account is ban i reach out to sir bob7l and explain everything thru discord even in-game but didn't go well.

So i'm here hoping that u guys can give me another chance so i can prove myself that i will secure my acc so it won't happen again. thankyou!!