Unban ChimasRJ

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New member
Ingame-name: ChimasRJ
Banned by: YoussofHD
Agree with ban (Yes/No): No
Unban reason:
Hello YoussofHD, well to start I would like to be unbanned from the server for obvious reasons in the image that is supposed to be proof of "racism" (wtf) first of all I have not mentioned anyone in my comment, the comment was no addressed to a person, in addition to the user who is reporting this I don't know who he is, I don't consider this prohibition fair since just by saying the word "negro" they can ban you for 3 days or even permanently, I repeat again in the comment I did not mention anyone, and if you look closely I'm not arguing with anyone. Please, I hope you review the image well and if possible ask the person who is reporting this for images of the conversation because that photo is out of the original context, thank you.



Staff member
Not directing it at anyone doesn't make it okay.

Ban time expired.
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