Suggesting stuff :d


New member
1. New ore "Gunpowder" ----> 2. New bullet type - more dmg,
3. Gas Mask -100% rad protection = gives opportunity to have better armor, but still have full protection in rad-zones
4. Mini-Gun/Gatling Gun - a lot of bullets required :/
5. New Objects in rad-zones - "Storages" have iron doors that requires Crowbar to open.
6. "Crowbar" single use item for doors of "Storages" recipe of 100+ iron
7. Crossbow - Unique weapon, uses bolts that can be crafted, 2 types of bolts - normal (12 dmg) and Explosive (explodes on impact, about 35 dmg)
8. Trunks on Helis,Planes and Motorcycles - interesting stuff?
9. Adrenaline injection - Very rare stuff in rad/bandit-zones, when used effects would be someting like 15s Regen 2, 12s Speed 1, 10s strenght 1.
That is it for now.


Staff member
1. I think a new ore would be better for a high tier of blocks.
2. ^
3. Good idea
4. Have you tried using the LMG?
5. We have an idea in mind that is very similar to this.
6. ^
7. We made a crossbow before but it wasn't really useful. It's hard to make a crossbow that's useful and balanced at the same time.
8. We had this before. It caused a lot of bugs and item duping glitches.
9. Potion effects are very strong. I'm not sure about this one.