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New member
Ingame-name: ExplosiveMineYT and MarcoGamerPT15
Banned by: Console RAC
Agree with ban (Yes/No): NO
Unban reason:
@YoussofHD as you wished you asked to my brother record a video but he was already in bed and when he could log in back again he would be unbanned but still i need to put more faction blocks in our basement and i have his password....
i tried to cover our faction block that got uncovered because he got banned and i got banned too for trying to replicate the bug as you wished....
oh i forgot, this only works if there are more than 2 accounts in the same ip, cause this didnt appened when i was trying with just 1 fake account logged in....
video link:


New member
@bob7I i was using mods in the mining account and was vanilla with optifine 1.8 in the banned account.... how can you explain now that i wasnt using any mod broken?


New member
I recorded with obs and putted the 2 minecraft side by side so i could see the 2 accounts on my second screen, and the video got 10 mins so i putted it 210% faster, change the youtube video to 0.5 speed and you can see close to the original speed....


New member
Nice find. I was able to reproduce the bug. It will be fixed soon
ty, i got banned 1 day without the possibility to play in my base, my brother got 2 days straight, and its a bug found. is there any reward for the report?
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