Siktyer Banned Appeal


New member
Ingame-name: Siktyer
Banned by: bob7l
Agree with ban (Yes/No): Yes
Unban reason: I admit that I sell the 64c4 for 400 pesos (7.19 usd). That’s the first time to sell stuff irl I always seeing it in facebook. We have a problem about funds that time because my father’s salary was delayed, I was attending school with no extra money I only have money for transportation. Im lying on you on mb discord because I don’t want to be bullied by the other players. The money that I sell was on purpose but I know it in the first place that it was wrong. that’s the first and last thing I did. I gain 64c4 again but I didn’t sell it for irl money I bought mining machine and I only have 10c4’s in my ender chest. I spent the 400 pesos for 4 days I survive myself In 4 days because the salary was delayed, Im not blaming my father to what I did i just want to achieve the always present student when the awarding comes. I am not lying in this reason I was telling the truth I love to play to your server, giving me a chance to get unban and I promise that I don’t do it. Thanks sir bob <3

