new rank?

idk new rank like plat ++ or gold and gold + so the server is more p2w cause my kit orepiles and kit recycler isnt enough
hahaha, no your not American, ur a PhiliBomzis. Ur pc sucks ass, cuz my costs 1000€
if u want, i can send u the parts so u can see, my build cost is only the computer, i also have expensive monitors and a pretty good mouse and keyboard


New member
oh btw give me a parts list for ur pc, so then i know ur not lying
rtx2060super asus dual EVO oc edition
HyperX 16 gb ram
ATX 2.4 630W
SSD nvMe2 Samsung 250GB
B360 motherboard
Raptor case
Probobly philihobo internetcafe users are dreaming about this pc. ? And no, im EUROPIAN not Philisack.
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rtx2060super asus dual EVO oc edition
HyperX 16 gb ram
ATX 2.4 630W
SSD nvMe2 Samsung 250GB
Raptor case
Probobly philihobo internetcafe users are dreaming about this pc. ? And no, im EUROPIAN not Philisack.
im actually american btw