Mqney ping spoof whit account of ChukoKing

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Your in-game name: orugax__
Offender: Mqney/ ChukoKing
What happened?: Mqney logged into ChukoKing account to make duel black op vs orugax__ and they maked ping spoofing

mqney logged into chukoking account and
did ping spoofing

When did this happen?:

Today at 22:00 hrs

Anything else we should know?: Mqney have85/84 ping and ChukoKing have 160/150 ping
i rec the logs at the real moment when they maked ping spoof in a duel black vs orugax__



New member
His ping went from 150-200 to 80 in seconds ? and it was in middle of duel ? Also i want to say that 3-4 people ask me this: how his helmet didn't poop if it was unbr 0 vs unbr 0 ? and why he got an empty slot in his inventory ? maybe the bug about having "ghost items" isn't patched ? there were many reports about that bug in the past.
I want to say anything more, i didn't see "share acc oficially" in the forum ...
Some famous players like imwatermelon and whoretemp got blacklisted by "ping spoofing", i hope the staff will do the same with this guy.
+1 Nice job exposing these players who only make sv get a bad rap


in this video you can see what really happens with ping -1
This video no are from duel black vs db red Yesterday at 22:00 pm (time chile)
you recorded that to go unnoticed.
since the head that appears in the duel is not mine
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en ningun Momento estoy mostrando duelo negro estoy Mostrando Lo Que Realmente pasa con el de ping al servidor al entrar


en ningun Momento estoy mostrando duelo negro estoy Mostrando Lo Que Realmente pasa con el de ping al servidor al entrar
This kid racist call me n word and they recording other moment in the logs the joined to much time and they was 160 ping and when duel started ping down to 80


New member
This kid racist call me n word and they recording other moment in the logs the joined to much time and they was 160 ping and when duel started ping down to 80
it's bc he want a excuse to don't be banned, but yousoff and bob are smartet people, that issue about u get higher ping than ur mine, it's when u join to the sv and it only worth for seconds, so, chukoking was with 150-200 ping and sometines 600 ping since 3-5 minutes ago when he log out?
U will say that ur ping was higuer since u joined in his acc (without sharing the acc in forum) like 3-5 minutes ?
Also, it's only one thing, u got reported for ilegal share acc from chukoking and for ghost items (bugs), u dueled with 3 leggy ak to bvnny and he won, so he didn't report, but yesterday some players in the sv that have famous like schwein and his clan, got the same problem that his dueler got more items that he saw before, so, it's bug abusing, bc u used it more of 1 time.
The next time, try to don't use bugs, break the rules with ilegal share acc and using ping spoofing.


New member
Not for die im can p2w hahaha its to mqney no duel anyone whit their ping spoof
And i know that are ilegal
It's to mqney don't duel anyone with ghost items (bug abuse and being toxic after he win with it), ping spoof and ilegal share acc.
*Yeah he got his ping bad like 3-4 ming ago :0 nice excuse* ur ping just went to 80 in the same moment that the duel started, and not point to say *they are crying for one set*, orugax got another set and he can p2w.


[QUOTE = "orugax, post: 35997, member: 588"] Este niño racista me llamó n palabra y ellos registraron otro momento en los registros, se unieron por mucho tiempo y eran 160 ping y cuando el duelo empezó ping bajó a 80 [/ CITA]
¿Por qué me hablas de racista lol?


[QUOTE = "Duki_, post: 35999, member: 693"] Es para que mqney no se enfrente a nadie con elementos fantasmas (abuso de errores y ser tóxico después de ganar con ellos), ping spoof y acc share ilegal.
* Sí, hizo un ping mal como hace 3-4 minutos: 0 bonita excusa * tu ping acaba de pasar a 80 en el mismo momento en que comenzó el duelo, y no es para decir * están llorando por un set *, orugax consiguió otro establecer y puede p2w. [/ QUOTE]
quisiera ver las evidencias ? porque lo estas diciendo como una excusa estupida porque estas enojado por morir te recuerdo que es un juego y es unicamente entretenimiento diversion etc
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