Lemme get my account back and let me change my pw

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Banned by:YoussofHD
Agree with ban (Yes/No):Yes
Unban reason: Now i cameback to appeal again, i made a mistake for letting my friend to use my account because we trasferred to a new house and thats why i let him use my account so my house won't get reset cause i worked hard for it, but he betrayed me he gaved my password to his friend and keeps on scamming people like 4th time and i kept appealing and then got unbanned also kept getting banned because his friend keeps on scamming. I'm really sorry for what ive done i know it was my biggest mistake for letting him use my account also when i get unbanned let me change my password and also my friend has the paypal when he bought my rank and he wont even help me i kept messaging him but hes just ignoring my messages. Please last chance sir and lemme change my pw!!!
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