Interesting tid bit when appealing


Ironic Sarcasm
When you appeal a ban, you dispute Yousoff's decision or his slave's AI's decission to ban you. They almost always have logs and fancy smancy stuff that shows your game/client has done enough goof for them to ban ya dumb bum.​

A possibility to appeal against this is to argue that what detected you hacking (or whatever crime against Yousoff you commited) isn't 100% accurate. A way to providing evidence of this is to recreate yourself doing similar if not exact last moments before ban.

Why do you have to you aren't guilty?​

Because they already provided themselves proof that they believe is correct. And now its your burden of proof to tell Yousoff he is big peepee.

Good luck to you scrubs who wasted time reading this.:poop::poop::poop: