FFS saying the N-Word with hard r once agian Re-report

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Your in-game name: IsYouDeath158
Offender: FFS
What happened?: Some mentally ill child going around thinking he's African American saying the N-word to everyone.
When did this happen?: IDK
Anything else we should know?: This is solid proof. You should consider putting a leash on him.
Proof: IDK how you couldn't see the proof but okay here I report again.


Active member
Like i said on last post, it's held back proof from Tosofarmindho, this guy was my kid and he leaked this picture after i raided him 2 days ago.
I was wrong for saying that but i don't agree on the fact that he held the proof for a month and then finally use it after i raided his base.
If you don't believe it's held back proof you can check lmfao , i haven't had faction ARGB for 1 month long.
Im not the one who take this picture, and I didnt wanted to leak him, I was just watching you getting hard roast by these p2w shitters and then I decided to expose your racist ass


Everyone knows this is the most toxic and racist player in this community, and every 9 out of 10 players hate him, i don't know why he isn't perma ip yet, he even called Youssof the n word, but seems like Youssof wants to argue with him, he doesn't care about other players. (He even DDoSed many players).

#BanJordan #MakeMinebuildersGreatAgain


And yeah, the reason why MB is in this place, is because of those low IQ toxic players that have same brain cells as Jordan's brain.


Active member
Everyone knows this is the most toxic and racist player in this community, and every 9 out of 10 players hate him, i don't know why he isn't perma ip yet, he even called Youssof the n word, but seems like Youssof wants to argue with him, he doesn't care about other players. (He even DDoSed many players).

#BanJordan #MakeMinebuildersGreatAgain
????, ele-mental-fox


And what? I don't see any bad words or something wrong in this picture, expect my english but it was 2 years ago. Why don't you show screenshots where you begged me for sets, spammed me the n word (even im not a black person), spammed
Ip grabbers? Ha?


Active member
And what? I don't see any bad words or something wrong in this picture, expect my english but it was 2 years ago. Why don't you show screenshots where you begged me for sets, spammed me the n word (even im not a black person), spammed
Ip grabbers? Ha?
????? begged YOU ??? Bro stop wtf.....
You are legit ass nigga, you used to be my little bitch


????? begged YOU ??? Bro stop wtf.....
You are legit ass nigga, you used to be my little bitch
Me? Wasn't you the one who was giving me free sets? If i gave you 1 stack fat once in a week doesn't mean i am a slave, that's team work. Just don't flex you are something big here in public, you are nothing except a racist dog, but you are too lucky i don't have ss of your messages. Im going to stop arguing right here, don't want to embarrass myself talking to a dog like you.

Kind regards, ElementalFox1


Staff member
Where is the proof...? The text is underlined but it doesn't redirect to anything.
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