False Ban ?

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Ingame-name: GameOverDude
Banned by: YousoffHD
Agree with ban (Yes/No): NO
Unban reason: bob said the anticheat is impossible to be false which IS NOT TRUE dude, i made a promess why the fuck would i break it ? NO SENSE! UR GUYS saying i wasted my money again cz of a fucking antihack that always say im hacking ?WHEN IM NOT, I DO NOT HACK ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now for real, ive been playing for 2-3 weeks straight after i bought unban, reporting hackers, not complaining if died to 1,not hacking, and to be honest you both know i wasnt hacking! Stop and think how could you be 100% sure if i was hacking or not ? i litteraly joined every single time with labymod and the log says i didnt so idk what do say anymore, just, you gave me another chance and i didnt break my promess you both now im being honest here so dont just deny it and forget, im always trynna help you and you r always ignoring me, saying that im lying block me on discord for saying the truth. its u n f a i r!
i just dont understand why you guys do that, idk if ur the ones lying or... you need to fix the loggs, anticheat because i didn't hack! ! !
all of my team knows that, i was even going to start recording my duels and shit so you guys stop with that bs..
and think with me, if the log says im logging wit hacks,so i can record me or share screen with u logging with labymod to proof the antihack is lying or isnt perfect
if it says im hacking you got your proof.


Staff member
I don't think you hack 100% of the time, but the amount of logs you've accumulated over the past few days is absurd. There's no way you're falsing 10 different checks, INCLUDING RAC checks.

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