Check man pls UNBAN

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Ingame-name: Gehz
Banned by: YoussofHD
Agree with ban (Yes/No): No
Unban reason:
What do you mean by history? i know, i did bad bcs i cheated im gonna uninstall my cheats and play legitly please give me the last chance.
ok so now you are not only lying on a ban but you still lie no way in hell you are uninstalling and you said you didn't use anything on your first unban report so you are lying straight through your fucking teeth kid. I don't even think your forums account should be on here anymore because all your going to do is lie and try to get out of a ban. Not only that but you said you don't agree with the ban and you also say you cheated. And are uninstalling those cheats. From the first unban report you have said your using labymod so you are not getting unbanned now kid. Get your ass on buycraft and buy a unban if playing the server is that important to you.
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