Can you please remove griefs?

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Well-known member
Your in-game name: Sqittles
Offender: All the griefs
What happened?:
We was looking for spot, then we saw a purged spot and we need to build here but theres some fucking griefs (Please remove this big ass wall and the griefs inside the wall but not our claim (I included the names who blocks dont wanna get to be removed.)
When did this happen?:
Anything else we should know?:
Remove everyone blocks but not Monstro1's, Linnie's and my blocks pls..
coords: 767, -20


Well-known member
Youssof if oyu see this you forgot to remove a bit griefs (sorry I didnt knew they griefed with this many account(also if you going to remove it pls remove everything in the box just not our blocks (Linnie, Monstro1, Sqittles)
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