Banned in trio

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New member
Ingame-name: _Deku_Hero
Banned by: I dont know
Agree with ban (Yes/No): Yes
Motivo do cancelamento do banimento: actually what I did was wrong, but I didn't do it for bad, I was helping a newbie too, but I'm not really sorry for walking with more than 2, I wanted to apologize and know if there's a way to unban me or reduce the sentence.


New member
It was also that xtomyc arrived in the msm hr that I arrived and even so he was my ally, from AnK. And you can see any video, in not a minute it interferes in pvp
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Ingame-name: _Deku_Hero
Banned by: I dont know
Agree with ban (Yes/No): Yes
Motivo do cancelamento do banimento: actually what I did was wrong, but I didn't do it for bad, I was helping a newbie too, but I'm not really sorry for walking with more than 2, I wanted to apologize and know if there's a way to unban me or reduce the sentence.
I didn't know roaming as 4 was bannable of the fact that only 3 can pvp mby youssof will unban



Staff member
Sticking to 3 people is by far the most basic and most obvious rule on the Trios server. If you couldn't even follow that rule, then I have no faith that you'll follow our other rules and I have no guarantee that you will not break this rule again. You may continue playing on RUST V2, but for now, I will not be unbanning you from RUST V2-Trios.
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