Banned by Youssof nonsense

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Staff member
I like to keep my responses short and to the point, but I'm actually just really sick of you and having to deal with your shit almost every month.

Just going through the most recent proof...
  1. You made fun of the player's appearance.
  2. Then you asked others if they have seen said player's pictures.
  3. When told you would get banned, you said "I even got ur face on pfp on discord".
  4. THEN you set your profile picture on Discord to the player's face and encouraged people on the server to go check your Discord profile picture.
I have screenshots and chat logs of everything you said and I have screenshots of your discord profile picture being set as the player's face. This is literally why you just got banned from our Discord a few days ago too. To be clear, your threats ALONE were enough to ban you. Even if you didn't show anything, I would have banned you.

This is not even your first time doing this... Just earlier this year you outright threatened to DDoS Sqittles and asked for his IP address. A few months ago you sent an IP grabber in the public chat. You were also banned for racism twice within the last 4 months. You were banned for advertising at some point and using an illegal texture pack (while also trying to delete the evidence). ALL OF THIS HAPPENED THIS YEAR!

I mean just look at this. It's embarrassing...
And on top of all that... I go to check your Discord profile picture now hours later and this is what I see...


The sad part is I even considered unbanning you if you made a good appeal. Be thankful I didn't IP ban you. So much for being "super reformed"... Denied.
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