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Your in-game name: FFS
Offender: Giloe , TheDestroyerErik
What happened?: These guys use modified knockback and use autoclickers and more shit.
When did this happen?: 2 days ago
Anything else we should know?: So bob claims that these guys don't use hacks and then says the only one with hack logs is me, you can clearly see 2:18-2:28 where it is s2k2f2(Bvnnny) vs s3f1(Giloe) how in the fucking world could Bvnny receive more knockback then Giloe while him having a knockback 2 vs knockback 0 sword, look at 2:54 that is me taking knockback vs a s3f2k2 iron sword?? how come i take so many blocks and when it's reversed they take no knockback and then the reason is ow the knockback is bugged or no i'm using labymod??? again look at 3:34 when bvnnny hit thedestroyererik with his sword.... again no knockback. Look at 4:11,what are these hits that he is preforming without even looking at bvnnny his direction. Look at 4:33 when bvnnny hits him and look how far he moves and then look at 4:32 then look at at 4:40 how far i move then look at 5:03 at the reach Giloe is hitting bvnny from and again at 5:16 when he was MID AIR AND 4 blocks away and the best one of all look at 5:27 when i try to knock thedetroyererik with my knockback 2 sword into the hole and he doesn't move a INCH bvnnny also tried to hit him and he dindt move a inch either.
I know a hacker when i see one, the amount of proof in this video should be enough to ban these 2 faggots, Giloe is not legit you can check what client he joins with all the time, he always has 170 ping and when he duels he has 110 ping and not to forget that Erik has 80ping but takes worst knockback then any 400 ping ph

Giloe , TheDestroyeErik full cheating autoclicker + 0 kb? - YouTube
The timestamps are noted in my report.


Active member
And btw the Erik claims that it's because of labymod but yet when he had mb client , same story same shit
Bob asked him to do a re-make of what happened with MB client, your fingers are getting shit on mouth STOP that


Staff member
Yes, I agree with you. They were banned but bought an unban pass 2 days after.
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