Ban Appeals

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New member
Ingame-name: bacafaca123
Banned by: Youssuf
Agree with ban (Yes/No): No
Unban reason: We had some problems in faction with NexxIsBack. He had the password from my account and he joined the account and recorded it using cheats. We talked about this about a year ago and you said you will unban me but i told you to wait for bob to change my password first because the same thing will happen. Now we all are good again so can you please unban me now.
if you don't believe me that I'm bacafaca123 you can see on the discord that it's actually me.
I know that ip is not the same because I changed the apartment and now I have another ip. and on the discord I have the same acc connected so you can confirm that it is me this will be sent to you in Dm


Staff member
You're going to need to go through the password recovery process first. Your IP does not match the one I see in-game so I cannot confidently unban you without knowing who you are.
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