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  1. D

    Banned in trio

    It was also that xtomyc arrived in the msm hr that I arrived and even so he was my ally, from AnK. And you can see any video, in not a minute it interferes in pvp
  2. D

    Banned in trio

    Ingame-name: _Deku_Hero Banned by: I dont know Agree with ban (Yes/No): Yes Motivo do cancelamento do banimento: actually what I did was wrong, but I didn't do it for bad, I was helping a newbie too, but I'm not really sorry for walking with more than 2, I wanted to apologize and know if...
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    Banned to bot

    Ingame-name: _Deku_Hero Banned by: CONSOLE Agree with ban (Yes/No): no Unban reason: good afternoon, i came to your help again, i was banished in the same way only with the L8 gun, i was playing with my friend shooting him out of nowhere i was banished. I was banned by the CONSOLE.
  4. D

    Unban, i baned for console

    Ingame-name: _Deku_Hero Banned by: Console Agree with ban (Yes/No): no Unban reason: onsole while I was duel, when I shot from the uzi and took a shot from the enemy I took a ban, Said that it was detected illegal Hack/Mod Since I use Client the Serve