Noob Question


New member
Just a noob question, how do you make your faction box produce lights?
how do you make a person teleport on your current location?
is there any information about this on forum? been trying to look for it but unfortunately couldnt find anything.


Place a glass block above ur f block to produce light.

You need to place more f blocks for more power to f home. F home = 40 power
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New member
Doornob is now a Staff member xD
(Good job Doornob, helping players out, not calling them rats in chat Lmao)


Staff member
Just a noob question, how do you make your faction box produce lights?
The block under the F block as well as all the blocks around it in a 1 block radius must be Iron Plated Stonebrick or higher for a beam of light to come out of it. You can change the color of the beam by placing a glass block on top of the F block.

how do you make a person teleport on your current location?
If you mean how to get people to teleport to you, you can use /tpahere <their name> or ask the other person to /tpa <your name>.

If you're talking about teleporting to the faction home (/f home) then your faction needs to 40+ power. You can get power by killing your enemy factions and/or by claiming more land with more F blocks.