DOORNOOB AND DOGAFAS(brolafas :o) the duo scammers


New member
So basically... What happened was.. I wanted to buy mine access so brolafas msg me and say huh i give acces mine for c4 or orepile... I paid.. and brolafas joined with doornoobs account and added me to door...some days later I can't access mine and ask dogafas about why... And guess what he says: 'ehuhau ned 5 c4 to addd bak!'. I asked why and he says: 'yeeh dornoob door he removed becuse u did something!1!!' while I did nothing. Then I ask dornoob and he answered me with: 'I neva aded u to my dor!' then I keep asking... and he said: 'dogafas scamed not me!!1 I neva loged on to add u!11!!'. But then I never was answered why I was removed. He then started saying kid stop and /ignore thinking hes who knows what, is he not a kid? Oh he is adult?? Oh he don't have job sorry forgot he need to get money from his family.


Scamming in-game, as far as I remember, is perfectly fine. Also even if it wasn't you have no proof. Right now if it wasn't allowed its just your word against DoorNob's and Brolafas.


New member
Well.. proof might be that my house is made in iron plated stonebricks... They scammed.. but I am not asking any refund or anything... I'm just salty that this happened and want to let people know. Afterall this is offtopic