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  1. Zeeltux_

    Answer from your "OPNION" YoussofHD

    YoussofHD, My inventory and any one, these items I caught hunting with my friends vip I will not speak the name are not the same ones that are banned unfair too, I wanted the unbanip is never was team of zKingPvPz
  2. Zeeltux_

    Unfair Ban!

    username: _Luan I Was banned for: Confuse player from hack Staff that banished me: YoussofHD I wanted to be out of synch Because I am not The "zKingPvPz" Nor the "Minecraftnuno" can see my ip, and compare with theirs, Fox_Xray, made the complaint FAKE!. I was accused of using Hacker! BloodXD...