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  1. I

    Ban Appeal Hoping to be unbanned

    IGN:Idiot_Guy Bannedby:Youssouf Agree with ban(Yes/No):YES BanReason: Sir Yousouf give me a chance to play again please Unbanned me, I accidentaly Press Botton To Kill aura I promise I will not do it again give me a chance to play MERCY PLEASE :( I HAVE A BIG BASE THEN YOUVE WASTE IT PLEASE :( :( :(
  2. I

    Ban Appeal hoping to be unbanned

    IGN:Idiot_Guy Bannedby:Youssouf Agree with ban(Yes/No):NO! Unban reason:i suddenly got ban when i'm talking to someone and as it said there MODBOT? dont know whats that thing and im hoping to be unban for the sake of my base and if i've done something bad maybe i could stop it and bring me back...