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  1. Raffy21GdR


    Ingame-name: Raffy21GdR Banned by: CONSOLE Agree with ban (Yes/No): NO Unban reason: The reason why yall should unban me is because I was not hacking. I was literally walking on grass blocks and got banned due to the great anti cheat system. I dont care too much about the 24 hour ban, but I do...
  2. Raffy21GdR

    Tips for RustV2

    Hey guys, why not add and the possibility of finding different flares in supply drops? another suggestion would be a sniper rifle with a thermal sight. let me know, thank you❤
  3. Raffy21GdR

    Tips for Rustv2

    Hey guys, why not add rare and legendary flare supply drops? and the possibility of finding different flares in supply drops? another suggestion would be a sniper rifle with a thermal sight. let me know, thank you❤
  4. Raffy21GdR

    Another format

    Ingame-name: Raffy21GdR Banned by: YoussofHD Agree with ban (Yes/No): Yes Unban reason then, number 1, don't trust others, this is MY ban and MY profile. number 2, I never said lies, much less will I tell. number 3, I'm not racist !! number 4, I do not offend and I have never offended anyone...
  5. Raffy21GdR

    Read this message...

    then, number 1, don't trust others, this is MY ban and MY profile. number 2, I never said lies, much less will I tell. number 3, I'm not racist !! number 4, I do not offend and I have never offended anyone. I don't understand why you don't want to give me another chance, I have done absolutely...
  6. Raffy21GdR

    Read me pls!

    Ingame-name: Raffy21GdR Banned by: YoussofHD Agree with ban (Yes/No): Yes Unban reason: Hi, Youssof... I'm Raffy21GdR... and yes, I'm the one who built a swastika in front of my house a while ago. I wanted to tell you that I am sorry for what I did and it was all born as a joke, so much so that...