Recent content by Zygotes

  1. Zygotes

    Unbanned Discord

    Ingame-name:Zygotes#8285 Banned by: YoussofHD Agree with bann(yes/no):Yes Reason:I am reaching out to YoussofHD regarding the incident that resulted in my ban from the server nearly a year ago,after I inadvertently posted a picture that violated the server rules.I want to extend my sincerest...
  2. Zygotes

    Unbann Discord

    Ingame-name:Zygotes#8285 Banned by:Youssof7l Agree with ban (Yes/No):Yes Unban reason:After being banned from the discord community for almost a year, I've taken this time to reflect on my past behavior and learn from my mistakes.I now realize that my actions negatively impacted other players,I...
  3. Zygotes

    Unbann discord

    Ingame-name: Zygotes#8285 Banned by: YoussofHD Agree with bann:Yes Unbann Reason:I'm sending pic of other player without permission✌️✌️give me chance I'll need it to buy/sell✌️
  4. Zygotes

    Unbann Discord

    In Game: Zygotes#8285 Banned by:YoussofHD Agree with unbann:Yes Unbann Reason: I send picture of players without their permission not gonna do it again✌️✌️
  5. Zygotes

    Unbanned Discord

    In-game name:Zygotes#8285 Banned by: YoussofHD Agree with ban:No Unban Reason:I'll never send again picture without their permission✌️
  6. Zygotes

    Unban Discord

    In-game:Zygotes#8285 Banned By: YoussofHD Agree with unban:Yes Unban Reason:I send pic of justdream face not gonna do it again✌️✌️
  7. Zygotes

    Unban Discord

    In-game: Zygotes#8285 Banned by:YoussofHD Agree with unban:Yes Unban Reason:I send picture of players without their permission I'm sorry Justdream not gonna do it again✌️
  8. Zygotes

    Unban Discord

    Name:Zygotes#8285 Banned by:YoussofHD Agree with unban: Yes Unban reason: I get banned posting pics of people without permission. Not gonna do it again✌️
  9. Zygotes

    Unban Discord

    Unban Discord IGN:Zygotes✌️