Youssof Please Unbanned Siktyer

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New member
Ingame-Name :Siktyer
Banned By: Youssof HD
Agree With Ban {Yes/No} : Yes
Unban Reason: I abuse the war request I put the blocks around the enemy to trap them but the thing is idk that it was bannable i dont have knowledge about it im actually dont see anyone got banned from it because of not active on discord i didnt know about everything. the updates, the abuses and the bugs that i shouldnt abuse. Now im playing on trios and i know that /war is same as trios that I shouldnt abuse thing like this i will carry this knowledge on trios. Im making this appeal to get unbanned by the admin i hope he will give me chance now Im so sorry for having incomplete knowledge about v2 I played so many years but still not active on discord or on other kind of rules like abuse in /war. ill make sure that i will learn this time i wont do it again also i will tell my teams never do that kind of abuse. I actually regret it because I want titanium + but now i got banned and my base will get reboot/purge. Idh money to buy unban thats why i made this also i have p2w ph team but he dont want me to unban thats why i regret helping him on /war and also i feel bad becaused idh knowledge about it tnx for understanding my english youssof i hope you will have a good day.
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