That aint me

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Ingame-name: XKZ
Banned by: YoussofHD
Agree with ban (Yes/No): No
Unban reason:
As you can see on the picture, there is a crosshair, the player is right here, and i was like 1 or 2 spots after him, also i was red not blackx, the right player is briittxworld, i'd like so much for my FAIR unban 1620051983841.png
The momment i say its briittxworld, is because me and my whole team was there, thats why everyone is saying its briittxworld, ban the right people.
no it was britt, fuck that retard, doesnt matter, all nevoy should be banned if they are playing with cheaters


Staff member
This is why you should avoid teaming with hackers at all costs. They'll do stupid things like this and get the whole team banned.

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