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Ingame-name: briittxworld
Banned by: MODBOT/L8
Agree with ban (Yes/No): No
Unban reason: I was practicing a 4v4 duel with my friends, and I had the brilliant idea of using two L8s, to test if the bob fix his antcheat, I was just two duels and got banned, see my friend's vision when I was banned: https: // gyazo.com/2db82ae66ba8d65927f671e86d202f14


Well-known member
Ingame-name: briittxworld
Banned by: MODBOT/L8
Agree with ban (Yes/No): No
Unban reason: I was practicing a 4v4 duel with my friends, and I had the brilliant idea of using two L8s, to test if the bob fix his antcheat, I was just two duels and got banned, see my friend's vision when I was banned: https: // gyazo.com/2db82ae66ba8d65927f671e86d202f14
I think him pro, never use cheats!!! gogo unban him youssof.
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