Ban appeal

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New member
Ingame-name: Flejmicek
Banned by: YoussofHD
Agree with ban (Yes/No): No
Unban reason:
Unfair ban. It is the first time that I have been banned and I don't understand why they banned me. I don't use hacks and i have proof.
In this video you can see the clicks that I do.
unknown (2).png
In this image you can see that I also do not use any type of hacks and I want them to remove the ban because I do not really understand why they banned me


New member
My ban is as same as ImBrian's, by Hack Client + RAC banned. I don't understand why if the console never kicked me and I was never banned, I don't know what happened. Literally 5 hours ago I disconnected the most normal thing, like any day, and a few minutes ago when I tried to connect I was banned. but i give proof to trust me.
I do think both of them ( Imbraian and flejmicek ) deserves a unban if they are not lying at their appeals, Gl buddy ;)


Staff member
Seeing you both get banned for exact same reason makes me even more suspicious about what you did. Clearly you two did the same thing whether that be hacks or something else. It's also interesting that you brought up your clicking when the ban message doesn't indicate anything related to clicking...
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