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    Ingame-name:MangInasals Banned by:Xx_EnderKitty_xX Agree with ban (Yes/No):YES Unban reason: firstly is i dont use autoclick but since BOB LOGS are saying that im using auto click. im sorry for my teams personality hes just cant accept that im using auto click,can you pls give me second chance...
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    Ingame-name:MangInasals Banned by:Xx_EnderKitty_xX Agree with ban (Yes/No):No Unban reason: firstly is i dont use autoclick but since BOB LOGS are saying that im using auto click. im sorry for my teams personality hes just cant accept that im using auto click,can you pls give me second chance...
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    Unbanned FreakyBosyo

    Ingame-name:FreakyBosyo Banned by:DoorNob123 Agree with ban (Yes/No):Yes Unban reason: i got banned for no reason it says "Illegal hack/mod detected its an classic bug banned i want to get unbanned immeadiately hope you saw this mods :> humbly ask for help
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    Unbanned FreakyBosyo

    Ingame-name:FreakyBosyo Banned by:CONSOLE Agree with ban (Yes/No):Yes Unban reason: i got banned for no reason it says "Illegal hack/mod detected its an classic bug banned i want to get unbanned immeadiately hope you saw this mods :> humbly ask for help
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    Ingame-name:NelzyMT Banned by:YoussofHD Agree with ban (Yes/No):Yes Unban reason: its an false ip ban sir its because my friend ping and it have 500+

    Ingame-name:NelzyMT Banned by:YoussofHD Agree with ban (Yes/No):Yes Unban reason: its an false ip ban sir its because my friend ping and it have 500+ping thats why the movement is like a hacker sir pls notice this we are not Hardcore hackers like u reason in the game